Monday, April 29, 2013

"Fighting and Struggling in My Life"

-->There are many people throughout this world that have disabilities. Some became disabled due to being diabetic and resulted in amputating a leg, while veterans became disabled due to fighting in war, which also in a sense resulted in losing a part of their limbs, while others became disabled due to being in a car accident, and depending on the severity of the accident also resulted in losing a part of their limbs, while for my friend Scott he became disabled due to the number of surgeries that he had during his childhood, while for Shelby who is a friend that I met at Howard Community College became disabled due to a birth defect either at or during birth, while for Noeleen who is another friend whom I met at Howard Community College became disabled due to spina bifida, while for my friend Chris whom I also met at Howard Community College became disabled since he has Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, while for me. I became disabled due to sequels of poliomyelitis which prevents me from using my limbs since this disease attacks the muscles in the right leg. Moreover, this disease does not only attack the muscles in the leg, but is considered a virus that can be easily caught by drinking from the same cup or even eating from the same plate.

  • We have to understand that life is all about fighting in order to obtain what we want. In the sense that if one doesn't do anything then one doesn't obtain anything. One also has to understand that things don't just fall from the sky, but consists of insisting until we obtain what we needed. This is very problematic especially for individuals with disabilities. Therefore, I have provided examples of situations in which I have found myself where I had to fight in order to get what I wanted.
  • Hence, we shouldn't discriminate individuals with disabilities because everybody is created equal and should be treated equally no matter what race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, disability, among others. 
  • Some of the fights that I had due to my disability were the following: 
    1. Fighting for Reservation with HT Ride
    2. Fighting for Recertification for HT Ride
    3. Fighting with Cab Driver Concerning HT Fare
    4. Fighting with Insurance for Pairs of Shoes
    5. Fighting with SSI
    6. Fighting with MVA for Learner's Permit
    7. Fighting with HR
    8. Difficulty Finding Work
    9. Difficulty Getting Hired